The Ninnescah Herald from Ninnescah, Kansas (2024)

LAWS OF FRICTION. FOREIGN GOSSIP. USSBM li Uliai Schools THE HMESCAH MALE PITH AND POINT. An elderly minister at a social party where the young people were The Leading Principles Governing It Ar the day to be ready for the evening ball or german. That is the reason bo few of our girls have any "go" in them they waste all of their energies dancing before they are conscious of ranged Under Six Heads.

1. Friction is greatly influenced by Bare better music than those that nae tie Sl.SO PER ANNUM. ot tonio. IRON rt tato ic's pntsription tar tteM wha aaad WaWjM dancing, being asked if he danced, re Sterling the smoothness or roughness, hardness NETNESCAH. Gchool Music Books KANSAS.

The. new London directory oon-tains the names of 2,125 Smiths. The leading dentist in St. Petersburg is an American, who has all the pulling and filling he can attend to. A man in Brussels has been arrested for cutting and slashing their mistake, and so are disinclined to or softness, oi the surfaces rubbing- against each other.

exert themselves by walking, or playing IHteon A Carefully compiled. Brasteai ami popular, they sro the ones to ctrooee. mn6tUmeehneU needed. Please examine. 2.

It is in proportion to the pressure tennis, or liftins" dumb-bells. The tri HOME AGAIN. fOfl THE UTTLE OSES. or load; that is, a double pressure will produce a double amount of friction, women's coats and wrap3 in the streets INJUSTICE CORRECTED. Convincing Verification ot Wldeeast Fab lie Statement To Our Readers In common with many publishers and editors, we have been accustomed to look npon certain statements which we have Been in our eelumns as merely adroit advertising: Consequently we feel Justified ul fatda the liberty of printing a few points from i private letter recently received from ond of oar largest patrons, as a sort of confession of faith to our readers.

We quote: We have convinced ourselves that by telling what we know to be true, we have produced at last a permanent Conviction in the public mind. Seven years ago we stated what the national disease of this country was, and that it was rapidly increasing. Three years ago we stated that a marked check had been given it. "The statistics of one of tha largest life insurance comnanies of this country shows Kladenrarteat Chins, mi cycle is the most delightful means of taking an airing that is open to the belles who are too weary to foot it. These vehicles have found great favor and so of any other proportionate in for fun." The walls of Antioch, alternately crease of the load.

dosTis a nice picture song t-X. HSd rn (26 2- per dos-H-this lart fcnsiconly. Ana. Sckool a' per do.) First book for Jeminc th Bote 3. The friction does not depend with the Washington girls, many of besieged and defended by the Crusaders, being demolished for building materials.

whom can be seen any fine day speeding alonsr through the bracing air with upon the extent of surface, weight of body remaining the same. FOR COMMON SCHOOLS. The piano case3 made of paper by 4. Ihe friction is greater after the parkling eyes and glowing cheeks to Wa can recommend notblrseteetterthantha faron THSL i ill ii i bodies have been allowed to remain the Germans are creamy-white, and indicate their benefit. 'They have an He Sans; Bells (SO cts MJU per do.

lor a Fenerai collection, and for learning the nte. Book 1 eta.) and Book (60 eta.) of Oie krr, by Irring Emerson and O- B. Brown. An em mentis BESTTOniC are said to improve the tone in advantage over us, however, in the Fer WeaJnens, quality, though diminishing its volume. smoothness of their streets, for it some time at rest, in contact with each other, than when they are first so placed; as, for example, a wheel turn practical oook dj practical kuwi I.

I1S NO EQUAL ii I. -i Mirimum. hom*o again I Mother, your boy will rest, a time at least, In the old home nest. How good to see yon in your cornered nook, With knitting or sewing, or paper or book; The same sweet mother my boyhood knew. The faithful, the patient, the tender and true.

Yon have little changed: ah well, may be A few gray hairs in the brown I see; A mark or two under smiling eyes. So loTingly bent in your glad surprise. "Tis I who have changed, ah mother mine, From a teasing lad to manhood's prime. No longer I climb on your knee at night For a story told in the soft firelight; No broken slate or book all torn Do I bring to you with its edges worn But I'll come to you with my graver cares. You'll help me bea them with tender prayers.

Til come again as of old, and you "Will help the man to be brave and true: For the man's the boy, only older grown. And the world has many a stumbling stone. Ah, mother mine, there is always rest "When I find you here in the old home nest Abbie C. McKeever. A Berlin bareback rider ha3 FOR THE HIGHER SCHOOLS.

that in 1883 and 1884. the mortality from System, Restores Appetite, Aids Iiertie ing upon gudsreons will require a would only be possible for ns to ride on the suburbs should we adopt the tricycle, and then, as some of our mam kidney disorders did not increas over the Sons; Cmttas TO ft-t. S6 per doz.) is the newert MhA or BRvlna. wwMrtinalion oMr i greater weight to start it after remain eclipsed all circus performers by jumping from one horse to another as they go in opposite directions at full speed. and best book, eonlxinine a lanre number oi son and Klees in excellent taste, solfeggios and voice "I Una Vbt- OninHm Kail previous years otner companies siatea ine same thing.

It is not presumptuous for us to claim credit for checking these ravages. and BramTfam Bittm tor mwral drfbili' litr. plied: "No, I am not educated on that end." A maiden lady says that if single life is bad, it stands to reason that double life is twice as bad. But ladies rarely understand- mathematics. Bcranton Truth.

When Georgiana was three, she said suddenly one day, after long quiet: "Mamma, where do the to-days -go when they get be yesterdays Philadelphia vail. "George," Bhe said, suppressing a yawn, "why don't you turn over a new leaf?" "A new leaf?" "A new leaf, George. Make it ten o'clock instead of eleven." Harper's Bazar. Gotham matron Why. Lydia, didn't you go to the cooking school, as you intended? "Yes, ma, but there was no session; the lecturess is sick." I am very sorry.

What is the matter?" "Dyspepsia." Tid-BUs. Meals oftener than five hours are discouraged by Dr. Hall, which time, he says, is necessary for an ordinary meal to dissolve. The gentleman probably never lived in" a boarding house; there the meals dissolve instantaneously. Detroit Tribune.

A young gentleman wishes to know which is proper to say, on leaving a young lady friend after a late call, "Good night," or "Good evening?" Never tell alie, young man; say "Good morning." St. Paul Herald. mas would properly suggest, the sub ing some hours at rest than it would at first. The cause of this appears to be txeMcises. Please send for fall MsCMnd descriptions.

The Russian Government has de Seven years ago we stated that the condition of the kidneys was the key to the urbs are not sufficiently protected from that unclassified portion of so cided to prohibit the importation of Ant book mailed for retail pries. LYON HE ALT, CHICAGO. condition ol bealtn: witnin tne past nve ciety, the tramp, to make them the years all careful Uje insurance companies OLIVER pnSOK Boston. have conceded tne trutn ol tms statement, that the minute asperities which exist even upon the smoothest bodies gradually sink into the oposite spaces, and thus hold upon each other It is for the same reason that a greater force Sect was toning op the system, ranswinc sua Tigor of the blood, incraasmc the sppetate ana st rengthening toe dicasara ora-ua. Iciieerfuil l-oommend it.

Mb. Mast A. PoirxES. S3 S. 10th Sfc, 8t Ixraia, Mo, says: "Imma broken down health, had no appetite, and was always tired and drowsy.

I have taken three bottles of Brown's Iron Bitters, and have been restored to health. I can isoosa-mend it highly Genuine hat above Trade Mark and crossed red tinea on wrapper. TsJte se otber. Made only by BROWN A LTIMORE. Ml.

patent medicines; the published list of prohibited articles contains eight hundred items. for, whereas, ten years ago, cnemical anal-vsis to determine the condition of the kid- most desirable place for exercising. So I guess we will have to resign the comfortable invention, and all of us who nevs was not required, to-day miltiona of Birds of prey fly so swiftly and for dollars in risk are refused, because chemical such a length of time that a falcon, examination discovers unsuspected aiseases once lost in the forest of Fontainebleau, of the Kidneys. are not happy in the possession of a gentle saddle-horse upon which to take a run across the country every morning will have to look up some feasible and inexpensive plan of recupera- ADVICE TO GIRLS. "Seven years ago we stated tnattne of Briht's Disease were insignificant is required to set a body in motion than to keep it in motion.

If about one-third the amount of a weight be required to move that weight along in the first instance, one fourth will suffice to keep it in motion. in the center of France, was found the following day at Malta, more than a thousand miles distant. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S ire wumt Ail FISE JAILS. compared with other unsuspected disorders of the kidneys of many misleading names; azh Sjrnp.

TaMO good. Use time. Sold by dnytgisw. The of atinar. In Algeria the bride always rides to VEGETABLE COMPOUND 1 Icftjl; 7' Necessity and Benefit Abundant Exercise.

Here is where the country girls have that ninety-three per cent, oi human ailments are attributable to deranged kidneys, which fills the blood with uric acid, or kidney poison, which causes these many fatal diseases. the wedding on a mule led by the bridegroom. The wedding occurs at his 5. The friction of axles does not depend upon their velocity; thus, a railroad car traveling at the rate of twenty OFFXBS TH It I the advantage over ns. Their unconventional life makes it possible for them to avail themselves of the many home, and on reaching the door he lifts The urio acid, or kidney poison, is the SUREST REMEDY KXBL THH miles an hour will not have been re the girl from the mule and carries her HAnresvnxB, N.

October la, 18S6. real cause of the majority of cases of paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease, convulsions, How to Avoid at Thirty the Sofa, a Shawl, nralRia and Nerves What May Be Accomplished by Proper Training. opportunities Nature has provided. PAINFUL ILLS AND DISORDERS SUF inside, the assembled damsels and youths meantime pelting him and bat a glorious chance the girl has Connoisseur (looking at the picture over Aoithe victims of consumption are first the victims of diseased kidneys. FERED BY WOMEN EVERYWHERE.

switching him with olive branches. Sir Andrew Clarke, the celebrated. of a female head) Ah! here something worth looking at. One of the old masters, no doubt of it. His It relieves pain, promote a regular and healthy recurrence of periods and is a great help to young girls and to women past maturity.

It strengthens English physician, declares that one- When the recent death of an honored ex-official of the United States was announced, his physician said that although he was suffering from Bright' Disease, that was not the cause of death. He was not iranic enoueru to admit that the apoplexy tarded by friction more than another which travels only ten miles in that time. It appears, therefore, from the last three laws that the amount of friction is as the pressure directly, without regard to surface, time or velocity. 6. Friction is greatly diminished by unguents, and this diminution is as the nature of the unguents, without refer half the papulation of London, is per the hack and the pelvic organs, bringing relief daughter Why, pa, how blind yon are getting! Can't you see it's a woman? A manently ill.

He defines health as and comfort to tired women who stand all day In which overtook him in his bed was the home, shop and factory. "that state in which the body is not Boston Transcript. Lcncorrhoea, Inflammation, Ulceration and Dis consciously present to us; the state in who lives near a river. Its resources are two-fold. In winter she can skate to her heart's content, and thus get herself into a fine, healthy glow.

In summer what more interesting and beneficial than to pull a stroke with some expert college friend? Base-ball is another sport in which the country girl may develop her muscle without being considered masculine; and, indeed, there is no more exciting and interesting pastime for girls than a game with a "good nine." Its only drawback is that it will enlarge the hands, which, She (emphatically) How kind of nature to bestow "on the blind the placements of the Uterus have been cured by it. which wort is easy and duty not over ereat a trial: the state in which it is a as women everywhere gratefully testify. Segolai ence to the substances moving: over faculty of distinguishing colors by the K. T. Hazeltixz, Warren, Pa.

Dear Sir: I was taken with a very severe cold last Spring, and tried every cure we had in the store, and could get no help. I had our village doctor prescribe for me, but kept getting worse. I saw another physician from Port Jervis, N- and ha told ma ha used Piso's Cure for Consumption in his practice. I bought a bottle, and before 1 had taken all of it there was a change for the better. Then I got my employer to order a quantity of tha medicine and keep it in stock.

I took one more bottle, and my Cough was cured. Respectfully, Fkaxk McKelvt. physicians often prescribe it. them. The kind of unguent which joy to see, to think, to feel and to be.

sense of touch! He (philosophically) Sold brail Druggists. Price $1.00. ought to be employed depends princi The greatest part of the cultivated area of China is devoted to the pro Yes; but it's not altogether confined to the sightless. In this hard world, a Hrs. Pinkham's "Guide to Health" mailed to any pally upon the load; it ought to suffice lady sending stamp to the Laboratory, Lynn, Mass.

just to prevent the bodies from coming duction of food. There are no flocks fellow needn't be blind to feel blue. in contact with each other. The light or herds, and the areas devoted to cot ton and mulberry are very small com A poet sends us some verses entitled "Give Me Back My Own." We regret to say that we have used the er the weight, therefore, the finer and more fluid the unguent should be, and The best and sorest Remedy for Cure of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. vice versa.

Phrenological Journal. pared to the extent of the empire. Of the 250,000,000 of population, three-fifths live on rice and tne rest on small stamp, and that the paper has one of our editorials on the back. In order to fatal effect of the kidney poison in the blood, which had eaten away the substance of the arteries and brain; nor was Logan's physician honest enough to state that his fatal rheumatism was caused by kidney acid in the blood. If the doctors would state in official reports the original causa of death, the people of this country would be alarmed, yea, nearly panic stricken, at the fearful mortality from kidney disorders." The writers of the above letter give these facts to the public simply to Justify the claims that they have made, that "il the kidneys and liver are kept in a healthy condition by the use of Warner's safe cure, which hundreds of thousands have proved to be a specific, when all other remedies failed, and that has received the endorsem*nt of the highest medical talent in Europe, Australasia and America, many a life would be prolonged and the happiness of the people preserved.

It is successful with so many different diseases bscause it and it alone, can remove the uric acid from the blood through the kidneys." Our readers are familiar with tha preparation named. Commendation thereof has often appeared in our columns. We believe it to be one of the best, if not the best ever manufactured. We know the proprietors are men of character and influence. to a girl, is never a recommendation.

There was a young ladies' seminary in one city where a regular nine played every day at recess, and at times the game would become so interesting that the professor in charge would omit the lessons to see the result. Before the session ended one young lady had her eye nearly put out, another a broken millet and wheat. avoid such complications in the future, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of Strictly Professional. "That case of yours is put off again, our poet will please send only the said a lawyer to his client. "Stiggins, stamp.

Burlington Free Press. It re well known that the population of London is a migratory one, but probably few persons were prepared for the fact which has been brought to the defendant's lawyer, promised me Valerie Villemer (Vassar, '87) P.iiRFS WHrKE ALL ELSt FAILS. that, if I would let it go over last month, But, auntie, all the researches of mod pmm Best Cough Syrnp. Tastes good. Use arm, several boasted sprained fingers.

he would agree to have it advanced on light by the compilers of Kelly's Post- in time, r-oia dt aragrasis. to say nothing of the broken window- Olfice Directory, that the removals in era science convince me that evolution is the only theory to which we can attach any confidence. Admirable aunt panes on the side of the house facing the calendar; but he has broken his promise. He has been guilty of the most unprofessional conduct. He has London amount to one in ten annually.

Thus the entire population of London yard wards; but as it was all in tlit Well, my dear, if you won disturb lied to me." my ancestors in the Garden of Eden, "The natural destination of women over thirty," says Mr. William Blakie, in an article relating to physical culture, "is the sofa, a shawl, and neuralgia Surely a most discouraging prospect to the gentle sex. And yet, it is largely their own. fault, for our girls neglect too frequently the exercise which would banish the latent weakness that hastens their arrival at the destination so graphically described by Mr. Blakie.

in gar own city we find clear demonstration of the theory of "physical men who Ehould be our ideals of strength and beauty are small and of almost effeminate physique. Girls who should be able to walk several miles without fatique are completely overcome and good for nothing the remainder of the day if tby walk many squares. And so it is the whole race is becoming puny and feeble from lack of systematic exercise, upon which depends so much of their happiness, particularly of the girls, since they see across the "Rubicon'' the sofa and a shawl, neuralgia and nerves, headaches and temper. Miss Bertha von Hillern is a notable example of what it is possible for a woman to accomplish by training. Devoted and successful artist as she is, her physical culture is not deemed second to her artistic, and a portion of each day is given up to this need of her nature.

And while it is a need of all natures, it becomes pre-eminently so to those who give it its rightful consideration. Not only docs the material comfort depend upon regular, moderate exercise, but; the mental growth and development as well. It stands to reason that visrou health influences the mental conditions, and that the man or woman who is constitutionally the most robust will be capable of a greater amount of intellectual labor. Look at Gladstone as an illustration of the power of the body upon the mind. Although an old man, he still walks six miles every ni rning before breakfasting.

The result is a clear, active brain and a well-preserve I structure, such as a man half a century younger might well envy him. He attributes his "Ain't he a lawyer?" inquired the will promise not to feed peanuts to physical culture service no one was blamed. I will not predict such results from the classes just organized, for it is undoubtedly a good thing, and it is to be hoped that all of our girls yours at zoological gardens. Harvard Lampoon. We are certain they have awakened a wide-spread interest in the public mind client.

"Yes." "And he lied to you?" "Yes, as I told you!" "Is that all?" "Is it not enough?" who can will enroll their names at once. concernins the importance of the kidneys. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. changes houses every ten years. London Truth.

The great Glasgow cathedral was lighted throughout with gas for the first time, and the effect is said to have been exceedingly fine, as the brilliant light fully reveals all the interior beauties of the building, which have hitherto been concealed; while from the outside nothing can be finer than the view of the long line of stained-glass windows. Selene, in Baltimore American. We believe with them that they are the key to health, and that for their restoration from disease and maintenance in health, there is nothing equal to this great 3Hedf ill Observances Which no Iady AN EVIL OMEN. Gentleman Will Neglect. "Yes; but I don't see why you call remedv.

A young married couple, who had The proprietors say they "do not glory It is pleasant to the taste, tones up the been most favorably received by the rolish Superstition Which Has Been Imported Into This Country. There is a venerable superstition In this universal prevalence oi Disease, system, restores and preserves health. but having started out with tne purpose oi best society of the town where they be spreading the merits of safe cure It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to among Polish people that when a crow gan housekeeping, were surprised before the world, because it curea our tenior proprietor, who teas given up by doctors as prove beneficial, both to old and young. THE ISLE OF PATMOS. when, in a year or more, the interest alights on a house it port-ends death to As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all one or more of the occupants.

When, of their little wrorld, in regard to them, It I 1 Will tlm Rl OOII menlaU How St. John's Place of ISanishment him unprofessional." Drake's Travelers'' Magazine. "Don't you think I look killing?" inquired Mrs. Biasfolds, as she entered the room in a lew brickdust-red costume. Mrs.

Biasfolds is what one might call decidedly plump; and, when Biasfolds calmly replied, "Yes, my dear, you look fat enough to kill, if that is what you mean," it was not un Ap- others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. incurable, we feel it our duty to state tne facts and leave the public to its own inferences. We point to our claims, and to their trublic and universal verification with pride. the LIVER and KIDWEYS and about eight o'clock the other morning a couple of birds of this species were had apparently ceased.

They received no invitations, and their card-basket RESTORE the HBALIU ana i OH of TOUXH. D7Spep8ia.Wanl and if the public does not believe what we ot Appetite, Indigestion. 01 descried ealmlv perched on the roof was no longer habitually filled. What say, we tell them to ask their friends and sacrengra ana j.irea reoiuiu nnr i7rf il BOlateir cared: uoow, neiehbors what thsy think about our could be the reason? It simply lay in preparations." uncAm dalm rr Vi the fact that, being unconventional by force. En liven uieminui and supplies Brain Fower- as stated aoove.

we most coruiaiiy ixiiu of one of Poland's sons on Racine street, north of Brady, the neighborhood, which is inhabited almost entirely by Poles, was thrown into the great nature, and careless by training, they mend the perusal of this correspondence by our readers, believing that in so doing 5k- ni had been too unceremonious in their natural that Mrs. B. should flounce out of the apartment with a very flushed face and a quivering tongue. LADIES irsssi TONIC a safa and speedy cure. tor complexion.

Frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. we are luinnmg a snnpiepuouo uuugauuu. est excitement. In less than a half an treatment of their acquaintances. PJautdelpiua Call.

hour the street was filled with people. They were absorbed in each other's so -ici, Whbs you're down my way drop in, the proportions of the crowd attract THE GENERAL MARKETS. remarked the well-water to tha "old oaken bucket." not experiment set Dr. HARTER'S LIVER f-l-8 Cure Constipation. IJver Comolnint ana sic I Headache.

Sample Doao and Dream Bookl lmailed on receipt of twocentaln postage, THE DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY, St. Loais. Mo. ing the attention of the police. Hostile demonstrations caused the sablc-hued For 15 years I was annoyed vnth catarrh, severe pain in my head, discharges into my tliroat and unpleasant breath.

My sense of smeU was much impaired. I have overcome these troubles with Ely's Cream Balm.J.B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, Broadway, 2f. Y.

ciety, and it was an effort to think of the outside world. Consequently, although they were well pleased at receiving calls, they often postponed re-rurning them for months, and some KANSAS CITY, Feb. 23. CATTLE Shipping 8 3 80 4 40 The Poor Little Ones, birds to fly to an adjoining roof. Up Native cows 2 00 pears to the Modern Traveler.

Before the Christian era the name oi Patmo3 only occurs in a few passages of ancient writers, and of its history, if it had one, nothing is known; it was when it became the place of banishment of St. John the Divine, and the scene of his apocalyptic vision, that il once for all attracted the attention oi mankind. At the present day it is one of the least accessible of the Aegean Islands, for, wing to its remote position and the unproductiveness of its soil, no steamers ever touch there. Long before we arrived, the monastery of St. John, which is the most conspicuous building in the island, had been in sight, crowning the summit of a high hill, like a vast sombre castle, with its white houses if the town clustered around it: behind this rose the peak of Hagios Elias, which reaches the elevation of more than eight hundred feet.

The scala, or village at the landing place, has a very peculiar aspect, for each oi We often see children with red eruptions popped an upper story window in the on face and hands, rough, scaly skin, and PENNYROYAL PILLS. next house, a woman's hand appeared, often sores on ine neaa. mesa lamgs in usa. I activity to the physical culture, which dicate a deriraved condition of tha blood. and in evident alarm the woman times neglected going at all, hoping, meantime, that people would "call again." CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only GenliiBe.

HAY-FEVER hasmver neglecte.l daring the waved an apron menacingly at the In the growing period, children have need of pure blood Dy which to build np strong and healthv bodies. If Dr. Pierce's "Gold A particle 1b applied Into each nostril and UaereeaDli to use. Prlce5octs. bymafl ratd URglsta- whole of his remarkable career.

Anil there is no doubt that if tha men and "birds of evil omen." Instead of being Always Reliable. Bware of "tklf" Imitations. aiea, ask your Di-mxt for and take no other, or inclose c. (stamps) to us for pa ticulan in lctur dy n-tera moll. Nwe Papkb.

There are certain observances which en Medical Discovery" is given, the blood circular. liKUitiuia, urueKUis, uweuo, a. x. the person who desires to rank with frightened away the crows took the waving of the apron as a mai-k of wel 3 50 3 75 5 50 W) 29'. 26 44 1 65 7 50 25 13V4 13 5H 6H 45 CmCHKSTKK HUIKM.

Mf A iCSlS Stadhwe Nun. Philadelphia, Vm women of the present would emulate his example there would be fewer pigmies is purged ol its Dad elements, ana tne child's development will be healthy, and as it should be. Scrofulous affections, rickets, fever-sores. hiD-ioint disease or other grave ladies and gentlemen will not neglect. The rules of etiquette are not merely eld hy lirsnlM)! everywhere.

Ask for Chlcfaee ter'a Eacliahn Peafrial PUIa. lake no other. come and changed their position from in the world. Julian Hawthorne, who the roof of her neighbor to her own housetop. By this time the excitement maladies and sufEering are sure to result from neglect and lack of proper attention is an athlete mentally and physically, arbitrary; as a general thing, they are founded upon convenience or kindli Butchers' steers 8 25 HOGS Good to choice heavy.

4 50 WHEAT No. 2 red CSJi- No. 2 soft TOJi-S CORN No. 2 29 OATS No. 2 iG14 RYE No.

2 43 FLOUR Fancy, per sack 1 60 HAY TOD BUTTER Choice 23 CHEESE Full 13 EGGS Choice IS' BACON Ham 10 Shoulders 5 Sides 6 LARD 4 POTATOES 40 ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Shipping steers 3 70 Bu chcrs' 3 10 HOGS Packing 5 30 SHEEP Fair to choice 4 20 FLOUR Choice 340 WHEAT No. 2 red 78 LIVE STOCK CUTS. shows his opinion of the necessity ot to such cases.

of the crowd below had grown to ness. To return the first call of a rejmlar exercise for women in the fever pitch. Women were shedding A bailor can truthfully speak of tha training of his own little daughter, who, tears or mumbling a prayer, while vessel in which he sails as tho place of his although but eleven years of age, can stranger without delay is to express one's appreciation of his kindness in paying the visit. Replying to an invitation immediately on receiving it, berth. We -will Btip ply duplicate! of LIVE HIGHEST AWARDS OF MEDALS the two-storied houses of which it is composed resembles a square, flat-topped box, as white as whitewash can little children clung to their skirts, unable to make out what was the mat walk a mile in seven minutes easily.

IJf AMERICA AXD EUEOPE. Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing Imagine what a glorious specimen of womanhood she will be! No shawls or The neatest, qnickest. safest and most powerful rem i. fA Phmimotimn PlsiiHv Lorn i ter. Men and women gathered, in cure for all diseases originating in biliary Backache.

Weakness, colds in the chest and all STOCK make it. lms mode ot building prevails throughout this island, and, as we afterwards found, in those that lie tc 4 30 4 10 5 45 4 70 3 50 79 33V4 27 nerves for her, thanks to her father' superior intelligence. zists of the I relieve i derangements caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries. No other medicine now on sale will so effectually remove the disturbing elements, and at the same time tone up the whole system. It is sure and lotions, are absolutely useless.

salves, unimenia ana the southward of it. enables the sender to make definite plans, and is, moreover, a suitable display of gratitude for the attention. To express one's thanks for a gift, when it must be done by letter, without allowing one mail to intervene, is to make practical demonstration of one's pleas 33U 2754 53 In shape Patmos may be roughly de tterlv All riniinriats. Bbssom and take ko others. GILTS or any otha Cut shown ii any Specimei Book, at oi quotes 'prices lo" FroDrietora, lew Tone.

KEABUKY JOli-NSCOi Strength shouM be a woman's pride no less than a man's. Exercise alone will develop it, and at tha time impart that symmetrical beauty of form which characterized the "god 27 15 00 scribed as forming a crescent, the horns of which face eastward; but its outline is broken up by innumerable promontories ure in having received it. There never co*ckLE'S ANTI-BILIOUS inclosing landlocked creeks, so that, CORN No. 2 OATS No. 2 RYE No.

2 BUTTER Creamery PORK CHICAGO. CATTLE Shipping steers HOGS Packing and shipping. SHEEP Fair to choice FLOUR Winter wheat WHEAT No. 2 red CORN No. 2 OATS No.

2 RYE No. 2 24 14 75 3 50 5 35 2 9.) 3 93 77 like ureeivs. it has been too long neg yet was a social occasion in which promptitude failed be a virtue, except, same. when seen from above, it presents lected in our schools, as the pal faces T3TTTQ I A. N.

KELLOCC NEWSPAPER CO, 1 1 i 1 I ILICTSOTTrEKR. STEREOTYPICS ISO somewhat the aspect of a strange poly 5 00 5 75 4 90 4 10 77lt 24 5-1 54 perhaps, in the case of English dinnerparties, where the gue3t is expected to arrive after the specified hour. IP IX6UVISB, knots, all gesticulating and jabbering at once, but all keeping a weather' eye open and a pocketful of stones ready in case the birds should steer for their own premises. Finally the crows began to fly from house to house, and then there was a shower of stones as thick as hail, men, women and boys being engaged in the fusilade amid the most indescribable excitement. The birds flew from house to house until they had taken in the entire square.

Finally they distance! their yelling pursuers. As the people returned to their homes many offered prayers for themselves and families. One old man who believes in th-3 superstition said in his broken English: "It must be now, that we all die. You see, som.3 terrible sickness spread among us." Miltoxukse Sentinel. safe in its action.

Thh boy that sprained his ankle has a very lame excuse for not attending school. Record. Thb removal of Prof. Sanborn, of N. H.t after being pronounced incurable by a score of physicians, from Las Vegas, N.

to his home, was effected by administering Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic, which has restored him to his former good health. Is it not possible to freeze a thing and still have itredhotl Try a red pepper. Danville Breeze. Dasger Signalled by a Cough is averted with Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar.

Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY pus. Its length from north to south is about eight miles, and its area is rug of the children will testify. Few children really take any beneficial exercise while in school. The hour, or half-hour, for recreation in the middle of 314 West Sixth Street, Kansas City, Mo.

33 3'5 54 ate Free freai Maronir For LiTer. Bile. Iadinstion. Acaata I One Agent (merchant onlyl wanted In every to-n fos contains only Pure Vegetable Ingredient. Many people are both ignorant of ged and broken; but the most marked peculiarity is that it is almost divided ST.

Louis, Ma. ilfci BHUS. at JU. conventional rules and careless by 27 14 60 the day is passed in studying the les NIXB IMPORTATIONS IN 1886. in two in the middle, for in this part, nature; but casual acquaintances can The best Draft Horses In tbe world are BUTTER Creamery 21 PORK 14 45 NEW YORIC CATTLE Common to 4 20 HOGS Good to choice 5 70 FLOUR Good to choice 3 50 yms lor tne atternoon session or in walking up and down the warm rooms witnin a distance oi little more than half a mile from one and Tour "Tansilrs Punch" 5c cigars are going ot CLYDESDALE ENGLISH 5 25 6 GO 4 70 10'4 another, are two isthmuses only SHIRES.

not be expected to make allowances for them, on account of these disabilities. The offenders against tha rules of society will, on the contrary, probably bo classified as rude or "odd," and, in any Ufce hot cakes. I Intend that they anaii oe wei advertised. ynd halls. This is partly due to the y'ict that few of the schools have yards sufficiently large to accommodate them We have the LARGEST few hundred yards wide," and rising but lightly above the sea level.

On the say. WM. F. II. STEP3HTSOX.

Buffalo. S. Y. Address K. W.

TAX81LL A CTilcacw- 90i 4.S1.4 3614 6 WHEAT No. 2 red CORN No. 2 OATS Western BUTTER Creamery in any pleasant pastime. Tiiis is to 88 8 and BEST COLLECTION in the United States, including the winners of SI premiums last falL Prices moderate. Terras KasT.

Send for Catalogue 14 25 15 00 be regretted, as it is at this period of a person's life that physical training southernmost ot these the scala is situated, while between the two stands the steep hill on which the acropolis ol In summer the toboggan is not worth ascent. Providence Telegram. Brown's Broxchiai. Troches will relievo Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases. They or used always with good success.

Price 25 eta. case, undesirable acquaintances. The habit of being "on and "up to the mark" is more easily cultivated in youth than when the routine of life has no. v. ehould be doing its work.

The intro 30,000 CARPENTERS Farmers. Batchers and others ft VJ Fi! FB nse out LATE HAK of OM II lli-Cn to file Hand. Rip. Batcher. Back.

Pruning andal kindjlnf Saws, so thev cat better than ever. Iri PilerAfree for i Illustrated circulars fkek. Ad dress B. BOTH BKO- JEW OXFORD. Penn- HINTS FOR FARMERS.

6ALBRAITH me Hellenic city was mult, xae nar duction of calisthenic exercisos in the i Breeders and Importers row waist thus formed serves for Idip' kJF 1 schools several years ago was the first jAJiESVILLK. WIS. iH.at4i"l boundary line to determine the domain step in the right direction, and gave should meet the eye of any lady suffering with of the monastery, for while the south the children a taste for physical cult 11 November wrote Jos. P. Murphy, Springfield, "my wilo suffered eighteen months with neuralgia and paralysis.

By use of St. Jacobs Oil, Bhe could walk. October 7th, 1880, he writes My wife recovered entirely." Price fifty cents. Charles Tiel, of Philadelphia, was in a hopeless condition from throat tronbla and asthma. Red Star Cough Cure cured him.

Price twenty-five cents. At druggists. THIS become firmly fixed. The boy or girl who is alive to the demands of others will become, later in life, polite by nature; since good habits, fortunately, may become mechanical, as well as bad ones. Youth's Companion.

Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Cream Purrs milk advertisem*nts. Mild, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. those TERRIBLI BACK- ure, which was before unknown to ACHESaiKi KXCKl'CIAT- IF Tsa periodical PAiss, or any of those WEAKNESSES women are so mnch af tliL-m.

Uniorunatelv. tiiey must sro ern half of the island belongs to the monks, the northern part is the possession of the civil commuuity. At the time of the foundation of the convent Sasrgostion Whose Universal Observance Would Add to the Joys of Karal Iifs. Keep a serene tenipar. Fretful, cross, ugly tampers are contagious.

Don't 1st your cross-grained boys break your colt or steer unless you want a spoiled animal. Remember that a pleasant disposition is very catching, while an open heart and smiling countenance permeate the whole housahold. Yott can get double more work from flicted with, she can cureherself of them. through the various movements aiu HVC HEALTH THE UVCBWUTBE IW OWOEH. while gaining strength and a healthy color at same time, by the use of the new Sold bv dracsrirts or eent by mail.

50c E. T. Hazekine, Warren, Pa. drills in school-room, and so can not inhale the pure oxygen, which is vegetable remedy K1MIKI, the greatest discovery of the age for all Female troubles. Those that have used it say they will never be without it.

One trial convinces. Price To cents for package containing one month's treatment. If you can not get it at The Way of Woman. She came around the corner the other no women were allowed to pass this limit, but within a short time the restriction had to be abandoned. The the most essential part of the benefit.

GRIND The fashionable craze for lawn-tennis nearest drug store sena price to us ana a pacaaae Jien ant-1 1- One million pills were burned up in a recent fire in New York City. How to Gain Flesh and Strength. Use after each Scott's Emulsion will be sent at once to your address by mail secure evening with tears in her eyes and. a shawl over her head to tell a patrolman goes to prove that our girls arc beeoni son oi wnicii the island is composed is everywhere volcanic and very barren, from observation. Adnrewtiie HOME TREATMENT A SOCI ATIOX, MP) Jin Uie 5 HANDMUjI.

r(F. Wirson Patent lOO in keeninr Beitl- ing aware of their deficiency in the 2ko. ivs reari street, sirrALu, i. and its coasts are flanked by red am with HvDorjhosDhites. It is as palatable as trK.

Also POWER MILLn and FA KM FEED MILLS. Circnlars and Testimonials jeni matter of out-of-door sports, and the enthusiasm which has been developed eca milk, and easily digested. The rapidity our 18371 I oa application. WILSO.X J-ato. srm.

ore gray rocks, which ever and anon break into quaint pinnacles. The absence of running water is shown by the numerous wind-mills, and there are only witn wnicn delicate people improve wnn its use is wonderful, use it and try your weight. As a remedy for Consumption Throat affections and Bronchitis, it is un-pnimlftd. Please read: "I need Scott's QlWQ2)MrSl in them for this graceful and healthful game show that they are not this aire of progression. And we can TELLS THE WHOLE STORY la a Reliable Remedy lor LiYer Comp laiuts and HU caused hr a deranred or toroid condition of tha Liver, as Dys three or four wells in the whole area FOR THE GARDENER FARMH-ANDTMISE.

WHO LOVE Emulsion in a child eight months old with Bastnesfl. Shorthand and English Training fj A mJ but feel proud to know that we have lately started in Baltimore a physical School, St. Lout. Mo. Send for circular.

good results. He gained lour pounas in a the want of these, however, is made up for by cisterns, and the inhabitants art pepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Malaria, Rheumatism, etc It regalatet the bowels, purifies the h'nod. rtrenrtheni the srxtem, awts direction. IN INVALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. Thousandaof testimonials prove its merits AfiZ DRDaalBX WILL TfiLl.

lou III SirOXkllOM. t-u'tiifj flas lor Sfii.s, connection We want youi rrrnes profitable fnrpKi.uitfut to wprwent oa te eei-J FomllSewinfrMiiebines. PTAN A BTHJOOI1S Only. with the Hopkins University, or rath never obliged to import water, as sometimes happens in Santorin. Baptist man or boast (except the mulo) by kindness that you cau by force.

Your wife will always execute your wishes if you treat her as j'ou did about the time you were married. II 3r righteous indignation is justly aroused while trying to iron your shirt bosom? with nothing but; green wood in the stove, especially if she had to dig that oat of a snow drift, yet she should not put a libel on brute creation by calling you such. Look well to the of all that is surrounding you. See that your cattle and horses are not breathing noxious air or sleeping on wet straw through your negligence, for it certainly is not theire. Djn't yard your sheep and cattle together if you can possibly avoid it.

Bear in roind that if you treat your swine hoggish, they, too, will be hoggish in their NEEDLES, SHUTTLES, REPAIRS, countr. Saiaj-y $7f per morit axxi expenses, or a eommiftdoD on eaJea if preferred, (roods Hipw. nuder its kindly patronage. Insteai very short tune." tho. Jtbim, ja.

Alabama. Alaska. Is growing, and there is talk of organizing it into a Territory. It has its seal already. Buffalo Commercial.

A Lovely Complexion. oc ir-pe iTarr i Send Xor wholesale prica list. HLEL.OOK CO. Locust SORE EYES Hardy's Eye Balm cares At druggists or by mall W. It.

Fihici, SL Joe, Mo. one rrors. tmcm ana pamruura rrrr. 8TAM4 t)f listle-ifl white-faced maidens, we may Weekly. The Typical Drummer.

expect to see "IIe'cs," and each sue for soldiers and widows of th PENSIONS that her husband had been beatng her again. "Well, you must go to the police court and get a warrant," he replied. "Yes, I'll go the first thing in the morning. Don't you think I also have grounds for divorce?" "Why, certainly. Go to some lawyer and tell him what a loafer and brute your husband is and you'll have no trouble." "Did you say loafer and brute?" "Yes, ma'am.

He ought to bo tarred and feathered and rode on a rail." "Don't you say that, sir!" she hotly exclaimed, "and don't you dare call my husband a loafer and a brute!" "But isn't he?" "No, sir. He's one of the kindest and best husbands in Detroit, and if you talk about him I'll have you up or slander. The idea! Don't you never dare to speak to me again never!" Detroit Free Press. MWhat a loveiv comrjlexion." we often Mexican War and Rebellion. All kinds of Gorernment Claims Col E1QSES feeding generation will develop a more of worn tnho The new "Vftmian's Collegs," which is being The drummer is and always has been a kind of curiosity in the eyes of the hoar person say.

"I wonder what she Ana fri- H.l Tn pvorv case the purity and lected. Circular of laws sent free. Fitzgerald a Fowux. U. 8.

Claim Collectors, Indianapolis, I nil public. His existance is certainly erected in city, is to b3 on th mos PLANTS real loveliness of tha complexionlepends npon the blood. Those who have sallow, blotchy faces may make their skin smooth and healthy by taking enough of Dr. Piercn'i "Oniden Medical Discovery" to 5 peculiar one, vested to a great cxtenl Cash. New Parlor ORGANS.

GrRA STEED TTRST QrALtTT. REED'S TEMPLE OF JfTJSIO, 136 Stat BtreeW Cnicago. ILL advance! scale, the grounds attached to it will be for tha physical culture of the fair students; a gymnasium will with the same kind of interest that people have in theatrical folks, or tht sporting fraternity. There are all vfFW VC'ES Vy Ns OR AHTTHINO IS TUB BCBSEBT USTC, without first writing drive out the humors lurking in the system. onMnt will brine Xr return mail oar book 15 rot bo missing from th building, an Ian "raiu, wmmmmwmm nmnniaaiujn- some iltus'd eat.

ipi.ic4 ItMMir lae.fc.tor aa kinds of people in every profession BEST we ever issued, containing tbe Barest New and I 33d YEAR. 700 ACRES. Wklt. Wishbb a man digging for 8f tings. Address Champion Mfr.

Co-. Quincy, Hi. and the "Siui of Posen variety uwio-aivi tib sTunns a riAiimsori co. pauesviue, chiq. Tartl fifl I will mail sample Borilar Alarm lUI iliUUnmrA Wlndaw Fa.trner.

A cents perhaps the least, numerous ol the en Wanted. Address so. I Painter, BelleTue, O. in tire lot. Ihe two grand divisions returns, your iowis a warm breakfast, well seasoned with red pepper and a little salt, and they will pay you in the egg basket.

But don't forget that an innocent-looking chicken will bear watching, especially wheD headed for the garden. Cor. Ohio Farmer. I I P'J TCI rOIDlV BESt the fraternity are the "new men" an? bEJnn ifcuunarni Good mn Sedalia. Mo.

cnanccveTcnercu. Ad. J-1. Bnows.lurr. the "old liars." Tha monumental ag fw TO mm A BAT.

Samples wort a FREE. Llnesooinnderthe tiorse'afeet. writs gregation ot Iresiiness winch 13 supposed to characterize the "most inno UW8Ha BAT ITT RUX HOLBE Hall, lick. every tiling that can add V) the mental and Ik lily growth and expansion will find its place within it? walls. But wo neatl not to a college class, or ind any organization, in order to take the exercise so necwaary to althiu.i it is true that vj are more likely to do it if we have clliers spur us on.

Every girl who is with mrxlerately good health shorld walk a mile or two evary day, and feel all the better for it, while in reality most of -the loll around on their loiMiges or beds the greater portion of Whew the follicles are not destroyed. Hall's Hair Benewer restores hair to bald heads. For all ailments originating in disorders Of tha stomach and liver, take Ayer's Pill. Tn champion belt of the world is without doubt the equator. tfo Opium in Piso's Cure for Consumption.

Cures where other remedies fail. 25c. Ths miser, to uimtelf, will speak fii many tones. JT. O.

Pieayun, If with Bors rM usa Dr. lso cent" is in reality an almost infallibl Why did the Women of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886? Buv a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why. indication of the new man. The IaX Secure aBusinessEdr'catlonbj iwwC mail. from BT-aiytss Con.o. AOEJETS yo will find fnrct What Ton wact by afr dressing Instalment Deaiers Supply Co-, line, A.N.K. fX No. 113 typical drummer is a suave, gentle From 34.000 to 85, 000 cubic miles of rain falls every year upon the surface of this globe. The rivers carry oQ barely one-half; the rest disappears by evaporation, by tho absorption of the earth, and by being taken up by plants, animals and mineral oxidation. GW cago Times.

manly felldw, who can read hnmar ooked ealery is said tr a specific for rheumatism. Cut the celery into small pieces and boil it until 6oft. The patient should drink the water in which it is cooked. Serve the celery hot on toast, Boston Bulletin. nature at a glance and make moit of WUKN -WlilTlii to ADVERTISERS, please say yon saw tbe AlYertlainnt la tbla ppr maa'i weak points, Merchant Trav eler,.

The Ninnescah Herald from Ninnescah, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.